Monday October 24, 2011

CrossFit 864

Specialize in nothing. Excel in everything.

Today’s schedule: 9:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
-Galatians 6:2

“Yes. True strength does not come out of bravado. Until we are broken, our life will be self-centered, self-reliant; our strength will be our own.”
-John Elridge, Wild at Heart

Warm-up (starts promptly at scheduled times above.) 

Today’s WOD Strength Cycle – week 3

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 

Work up to a 1 RM. Go for a PR today. What was your last heaviest single on DL? Post your last 1 RM on board along with today’s load.

Train Hard – Train Smart

Limited time membership special
Pay for November and December and get a $10.00 discount for each month. If you would like to take advantage of this offer and save $20.00 you must do so no later than Tuesday October 25. 

Reminder – Yard Sale at CrossFit 864 on Saturday October 29 from 7:00a.m.-10:00a.m. Bring your “stuff” and bring a table and let Gunny know if you plan on coming. 

You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.
-John Wooden

“Constantly Varied”

Jay and Janice

Sunday October 23, 2011

CrossFit 864 

Rest Day

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
-Exodus 20:8-11

Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God
-George Washington

Have a great day! See you Monday.

Jay and Janice

Saturday October 22, 2011

CrossFit 864

NO Saturday WOD

“I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.”
-Psalm 40:8

Life well spent is long. 
-Leonardo da Vinci

Have a great weekend! 

Check us out at CrossFit 864 on Facebook

Jay and Janice

Friday October 21, 2011

CrossFit Eight.Six.Four

“Constantly varied because life is”

Today’s schedule: 4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”
-Psalm 51:12

Show me a guy who’s afraid to look bad, and I’ll show you a guy you can beat every time.
-Lou Brock

Today’s WOD “Barbells for Boobs”


Rx=In this workout, you perform 30 Clean and Jerks for time. The weight used for men is 135 pounds and 95 pounds for women. During the Amazing “Grace” workout all participants may modify the weight used in order to accommodate their physical abilities.

If you are interested in donating to the fundraiser and receiving a 2011 Barbells for Boobs t-shirt (cool t-shirts!) you can go directly to the site and order one. The event runs from October 1-October 31. Check out the links that are posted on the CrossFit 864 Facebook page. Good cause!

Hope to see you in the box for Grace…gonna be a good time!

Train Hard – Train Smart

“If your gym doesn’t have chalk, its a spa.”

Women who claim to be afraid to train hard because they “always bulk up too much” are often already pretty bulky, or “skinny fat” (thin but weak and deconditioned) and have found another excuse to continue life sitting on their butts. 
-Coach Mark Rippetoe 

Limited time membership special
Pay for November and December and get a $10.00 discount for each month. If you would like to take advantage of this offer and save $20.00 you must do so no later than October 25. 

Have a great day!

How have you encouraged someone this week?

Jay and Janice

Thursday October 20, 2011

CrossFit 864

“Constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity.”

Remember the “varied”….be flexible this is CrossFit! 

Today’s schedule: 5:15a.m./9:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
-Psalm 37:4

Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.
-Saint Augustine

Warm-up (Starts promptly as a group at scheduled times above – not 10 minutes after that.) Show respect to your fellow CrossFitters that arrive on time and get warmed up and are ready to go…..unless you don’t mind them waiting on you. Thanks!

Today’s WOD

Strength cycle (week 2)

Press 3-3-3-3-3

Try to hit a 3 RM PR by the last set. 
Strict Overhead press

Everyone’s form is looking a lot better on the strict press and we see a lot less tendency to want to dip and drive – save that for the push press, jerk WODs. 

Pushing the bar out in front of you – NO REP
Not locking out overhead – NO REP

Train Hard – Train Smart

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”

Are you interested or committed? Do you cherry pick the WOD’s? That will help you determine which category you fall into.

Post your WOD on CrossFit 864 Facebook

It’s awesome to see you guys doing hard work and pushing it past the pain this week! Stronger each day!

Jay and Janice

Wednesday October 19, 2011

CrossFit 864

“Does your workout make you nervous? It should”

Today’s schedule: 5:15a.m./9:00a.m.

Don’t be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves. Care about them as much as you care about yourselves and think the same way that Christ Jesus thought: Christ was truly God. But he did not try to remain equal with God. Instead he gave up everything and became a slave, when he became like one of us. Christ was humble. He obeyed God and even died on a cross.
-Philippians 2:3-8

“Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.” 
-Lou Holtz

How are your nutritional habits looking? Are you fooling yourself?
Are you getting the results that you hoped for? Do you still have whole grains in your diet? Get rid of them if you are serious about your overall health.

Why The World Is Turning to Grain Free Recipes?

Grains are perhaps the biggest thorn in the side of the modern day diet, and with 1 in 133 Americans suffering from celiac disease it is no wonder an increasing number of people are turning away from all things grain. Celiac disease affects more people in the US than Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn’s Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and Parkinson’s combined. With 2.5 babies born every minute equipped with the genetic makeup to develop the condition, the need for easy healthy kids recipes free from grains is a rapidly expanding market.

Although the food industry would have you think differently, it is no mystery why so many men, women, and children suffer from CD. The human digestive system wasn’t designed to process grains and their consumption is a Neolithic trend, something our Paleolithic ancestors took no part in. Grains were actually considered a starvation food by our ancestors, a food that was difficult to prepare, difficult to digest, and only to be eaten as a last resort during a famine. Then along came the agricultural revolution and here we are, eating grains like they are going out of fashion. It is difficult to think of a mealtime where most people don’t consume grains, yet if you are unlucky enough to be diagnosed with CD over the age of 20, your chance of developing an additional autoimmune disease spirals to a worrying 34%. So how can we avoid grains and maximize our health?

For those deeply affected by grains and gluten and those simply concerned about their health, the paleo diet has become the most suitable choice for avoiding the wrath of grains and naturally promoting overall well being. Paleo eating avoids grains and other allergy, disease promoting foods such as dairy products, HFCS and other processed foods high in sugar and salt content. Some people think that eating gluten-free foods is enough, but this still includes the consumption of spelt and other grains – resulting in inflammation, bloating, and potentially an autoimmune disease.

The Paleo diet focuses on eating a diet that compliments the human body, finely tuning it with all the protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals it requires to perform at optimum level. Where paleo is concerned, grain free recipes are in abundance, forming the basis of all paleo mealtimes. This might sound impossible to a serial grain eater, but check out the Paleo Cookbook series with over 300+ grainless recipes for evidence.

The fact is, there is no reason to eat grains. Fiber is easily obtained from fruits and vegetables, as is all the carbohydrate we need. Seeds and nuts also provide great protein, carb, and essential fat intake.
The food industry has got everyone going wholegrain crazy for vitamin B1 and B2, magnesium and iron and zinc and potassium, yet these essential vitamins and minerals are readily available in any well-prepared salad, without needing to spike your insulin to dangerous levels and make yourself feel lethargic and bloated all the time. Eating grains might seem like logical evolution, but in terms of the human body this is devolution and something the human body is yet to adapt to. 

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that it’s ok because it’s thin bread or 100 calories, whatever the case may be it is still grains. Want to reduce body fat, have more energy and recover faster between workouts? Do the research and make some adjustments in your diet if you are serious about your health.

This is the angle of the back that we are looking for on back squats. If you are trying to stay straight up and down, you need to adjust your back angle. If anyone tells you that you need to be straight up and down during your squat …tell them to go away!

Warm-up as a group.  

Today’s WOD

18-12-9-6-3 reps of:

DB Hang Clean
Back Extensions (GHD)
Hollow Rock
Mountain Climbers (4 count)

Train Hard – Train Smart

Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error.”

Do you only post the WOD scores that you want everyone to see or do you post them all?

Hope that your week is going well!  


Jay and Janice

Tuesday October 18, 2011

CrossFit 864

Failure is not an option.

Today’s schedule: 5:15a.m./9:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

“The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.” 
-Psalm 25:14-15

I’ll put you through hell, but at the end of it all we’ll be champions. 
-Coach “Bear” Bryant


Today’s WOD – For time:

“Running with the girls”

Run 800 Meters
3 Rounds of Cindy
Run 800 Meters
Helen (without the run)
Run 800 Meters
3 Rounds of Cindy

Cindy =
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Helen =
Complete 3 rounds of the following without running the normal 400 meters between each round. Go straight through.
21 Kettlebell swings (Guys-1.5 pood 24kg./Girls-1 pood 16kg.)
12 Pull-ups

Rx – Movement standards apply. We are looking for quality work so don’t sacrifice your form for time – nobody is impressed by a fast time if most of the work is sub standard. Full Range of Motion on every rep of every exercise. Keep it Legit!

Train Hard – Train Smart

Post your time on CrossFit 864 Facebook

Hard. Fast. Brutal and No Cuddling Afterwards.

Get out of that rut!

Jay and Janice

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