Tuesday November 29, 2016

864 STRONG – Support Your Local Box

Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone.
-1 Thessalonians 5:14

“The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained in sudden flight but, they while their companions slept, they were toiling upwards in the night.”
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Warm-up/Skill Work/Mobility /Goat Work

Today’s Skill Work – Work on hip strength / mobility

Today’s WODs START at: 5:15a.m./8:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

December 864 Dues NLT Thursday December 1 – $25 Late Fee after December 1. Thank you!

864 WOD – Strength + Conditioning

864 WOD: 21-15-9
Box Jumps
Suitcase Carry after each round 

RX Movement Standards / DL Load = 225/155 (No Bouncing) Box = 24/20 / Suitcase Carry to 100M and switch hands (24kg.16kg.) Can only switch hands at 100M mark. 5 Burpee penalty each time you put KB down. Complete penalty burpees before starting next round. Suitcase carry after 21 after 15 and end with a suitcase carry after 9.

There is no almost RX. It’s 100% RX’d or Scaled. There is NO almost RX.

CF STRONG News and upcoming events:

Getting a hoodie order together – let us know ASAP if you are interested. Size / Color?

Frogman’s Christmas – Monday December 19 / At all WOD times.

864 Half Marathon (13.1) / 5k (3.1) – February 4, 2017 starts at 8:00a.m. / Get signed up before December 1 and save $ on the entry fee.

Check out CrossFit864’s Facebook page. Post your WODs

November Challenge = Max Rep Hand Release Push-ups + Double unders

Entitlement is a delusion built on self-centeredness and laziness. Nobody ever said that life was fair. Deal with it! Don’t compare your life to other peoples life. Live your own. Keep Calm and Mind Your Own Business…

“The greatest act of faith some days is to simply get up and face another day.”
-Amy Gatliff

864 – No Whining Zone


Janice and Jay