Thursday August 18, 2016

CrossFit864 – Forging Strong Athletes in Clinton, South Carolina

In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Ephesians 5:28

Eve was not taken out of Adam’s head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him. Matthew Henry

Today’s WODs START at: 5:15a.m./8:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

Warm-up/Skill Work/Mobility – Before the Buy-In. Remember the Buy-In is not intended to be your warm-up.

Today’s Skill Work – Before Buy In = OHS / Bar Muscle up

Strength – RX = Deadlift 5RM (work up to a heavy set of 5) 5 rep set means 5 unbroken reps. You can’t do 2 reps…stop and do 3 more reps…thats a set of 2 and a set of 3.

WOD – Buy-In will always start AS A GROUP at the scheduled times. Don’t get ahead of the group. If you are late please wait until the next WOD starts.

WOD – 10 RFT: 3 Deadlifts / 3 Bar Facing Burpees / 100 Meter Sprint

Movement Standard – RX DL Load = 75% of today’s 5RM (heaviest set of 5) / Burpees = Full ROM Burpee / Sprint to 50M and sprint back

BE re·lent·less (/rəˈlen(t)ləs/)

70% Kitchen 30% Gym – You will NEVER out train a bad diet.

CRUSHING CANCER – for one of our own (Kelly Chitwood) come out to CrossFit864 This Saturday August 20 from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. WOD’s range from $5.00 -$15.00 per person depending on WOD. Even if you have never done CrossFit before here is your chance to try it. 100% of donations and funds raised go to help Kelly with her medical expenses. Our CF864 Family is built on our support for each other – hope to see you Saturday. Remember to keep Kelly and her family in your prayers. 

August Challenge = Barbell Carry Back Rack Position. Accumulate 4,800 Meters during the month of August. Load = 75% of your body weight on bar.

Definition of Challenge: Demanding, testing one’s abilities, skills or resources. A call to fight, as a battle.

Entitlement is a delusion built on self-centeredness and laziness. Nobody ever said that life was fair. Deal with it! Don’t compare your life to other peoples life. Live your own. Keep Calm and Mind Your Own Business…

Check us out at CrossFit864 on Facebook)


Janice and Jay

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