864 STRONG – Gunny’s Blog / Thursday 11.18.2021

Support your gym – 864 Strength and Conditioning

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.
-Psalm 119:105

You can find 1,000 excuses not to do something but all you need is one reason to do it.

Quote from Coach Glassman: “Chase your weakness.”
Don’t avoid working on the things that you suck at. Pick one or two of them and add them into your warm-up.

Useless fact for the day: No real astronaut ever uttered “Houston, we have a problem” — Tom Hanks only said that in the movie Apollo 13.

Today’s WODs START at: 5:15a.m./8:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

Warm-up/Skill Work/Mobility /Movement Prep / Goat Work / 864 Strong / 3 RFT:
Your GOAT in CrossFit is a movement that you are not so good at, and that is putting it politely. It could be anything; barbell movement, gymnastics movement, body weight movement, kettlebell movement, or simply flexibility and/or mobility. The only way to attack your goat is to work on it!

Today’s Skill Work – Work on hip/ankle/knee strength/mobility

864 WOD – Strength + Conditioning. Forging Strong Athletes in Clinton, South Carolina

21 Goblet Squats (24kg./16kg.)
15 UB Strict K2E
9 Single-leg squats/pistols, alternating

Be Coachable. Don’t Complain. Don’t Whine.

Check out CF864 on Facebook / Instagram

Thanks to all of you that supported Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox 2021.

Definition of Challenge: Demanding, testing one’s determination, willpower, abilities, skills and resources. A call to fight, as a battle.

Entitlement is a delusion built on self-centeredness and laziness. Nobody ever said that life was fair. Deal with it! Don’t compare your life to other peoples life. Live your own. Keep Calm and Mind Your Own Business…

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”

On this day in history – November 18,1988 – U.S. President Reagan signed major legislation provided the death penalty for drug traffickers who kill.

Strength / Week 2 – You will have 15 minute to find your 3RM Floor Press – work up to a heavy three rep set. Remember to log your strength numbers.
Warm up – start adding weight on the bar until you hit that strong set. Push each other today. Our priority today = Get Stronger. Is it a PR day?

Jay and Janice