8-Six-4 Strength + Conditioning / GUNNY APPROVED. CONSTANTLY VARIED.
Share “Your Story” with one person today.
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
-Colossians 1:13-14
Do I look more like Jesus or more like the world?
The first fresh hour of every morning should be dedicated to the Lord, whose mercy gladdens it with golden light. –Charles Spurgeon
To rush into explanations is always a sign of weakness.
The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.
Taking on too much of other people’s drama is just a poor excuse for not taking ownership and control over your own life.
-Focus on Your Life.
If you take everything personally, you’ll remain offended for the rest of your life. What other people do is often because of them, not you.
Faith. Love. Trust. There is Power in Prayer! Pray for America. Support your country and your community!
864 STRENGTH + CONDITIONING Training – The Daily GRIND / Forging Strong Athletes in Clinton, South Carolina
Today’s Skill Work – Work on a weakness. Buy In – Starts together as a group at scheduled times posted above.
#1 Goal today – Work HARD and don’t expect a handout. It’s a new day. Hit it hard! Whining. Complaining = Weakness.
Today’s gym schedule: 8:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m. – All workouts start as a group at the scheduled times.
Social Media tip of the day: Question – How long can you go without posting a picture of yourself? What is the definition of a social media addict? Have the wisdom to show restraint.–Proverbs 23:4
Is my life all about ME or HIM?
Reminder – February 864 Dues – NLT Wednesday February 1, 2023. Thank you. We appreciate you!
For Time / 5 Rounds of:
a.) 10 One Arm KB Floor Press – 1 x 24kg./16kg. (R)
b.) 10 One Arm KB Floor Press – 1 x 24kg./16kg. (L)
c.) 10 UB Front Squats – 185 /135
Be Coachable. Don’t Complain. Don’t Drag others Down.
Train Hard/Train Heavy/Train Smart. Support and encourage each other today. Scale based on your strength/fitness level/level of motivation.
What drives you? What discourages you? What scares you? #discipline #willpower #doyourbest #goals
It’s up to us. Don’t complain if you don’t do anything to make it better. #yeahthatclinton
The better you feel about yourself, the less you feel the need to show off. Be Yourself. Be Happy.
I like people who don’t need everyone to like them.
–Live Life Happy
Have a Great Day! Love God. Serve Others. Be an encouragement to someone today.
Thank you!
Jay and Janice
-Joshua 1:9