864 STRENGTH + CONDITIONING – Gunny’s Revenge / Monday 11.30.2020

Gunny’s Revenge – Happy Birthday Gunny!  (Bday 11.27.2020)

864 Strength + Conditioning – Constantly Varied. NO Routines. NO Ruts. Don’t be Boring!

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me BEFORE I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. 
-Psalm 139:13-16

God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well. 

864 STRONG Community news and upcoming events:

Check us out on Facebook and Instagram today.

864 Christmas Party Friday December 18, 2020 from  7p.m. – 9p.m. at Lakeside Country Club. Bring a appetizer or dessert. Sign up board at gym if you plan on attending and what dish you plan on bringing. Bring a $10 gift for gift swap. No 6:15pm workout Friday.

2020 864 Pump and Run / Pull and Run – Saturday December 5. Pump = Bench Press or Pull = Deadlift / Run
Get signed up early at: https://runsignup.com/Race/SC/Clinton/Pumpandrun

Saturdays – ALL Saturday WODs are determined by how many are signed up on the whiteboard at the end of the day Thursday.

Faith. Trust. There is Power in Prayer! Pray for America.

Today’s Skill Work – Work on a weakness. 

Today’s gym schedule: 8:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.  The number in each group is limited so please make sure that you are signed up. Please don’t just show up if you aren’t signed up. This includes the Saturday morning workout.

864 STRENGTH + CONDITIONING Training – The Daily GRIND For Time: “GUNNYS REVENGE” v. 54  / 2020 


54 Burpees  
54 Kettlebell Swings 

54 Sit-ups 

54 KB Snatch  

54 SL Strikes  

54 Deadlifts 

Reminder – December 2020 864 Dues / NLT Tuesday December 1, 2020 – Late fee after December 1. Thank you very much! We appreciate you!

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! 
-Dr. Seuss

On this day in history – November 30,1906 – George Parker Bidder, President of the Marine Biological Association (UK) released a glass bottle with a message into the North Sea. The bottle spent 108 years and 38 days at sea before it was found on the shores of Germany in 2015.

Reminder – All WODs start together at the scheduled time as a group on the clock. Be ready to go. Skill work before or after the WOD is highly recommended at 864.

Train Hard/Train Heavy/Train Smart. Support and encourage each other today. Scale based on your strength/fitness level/level of motivation.

Be an encouragement to someone today.

RX Movement Standards: Form. Form. Form!

KB Load – Use the same KB for Swing/Snatch= 24kg./16kg. American Swings / AbMat Sit-ups = Shoulder/Back touch floor at bottom of each rep. 

DL Load = 135/95. Fast reps but no bouncing reps and as always NO dropping from the top (lockout) = poor form.

What drives you? What discourages you? What scares you? #discipline #willpower #doyourbest #goals

The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.

Support your community. Love where you live! It’s up to us. Don’t complain if you don’t do anything to make it better. #yeahthatclinton

I like people who don’t need everyone to like them.
–Live Life Happy

Have a Great Day! Love God. Serve Others.

Jay and Janice 

-Joshua 1:9