864 STRENGTH + CONDITIONING – Gunny’s Blog / Wednesday 03.18.2020

864 Strength + Conditioning – Support YOUR Community. Support YOUR Country. Support YOUR 864 Crew.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.
-Psalm 23:1-3

When you have no helpers, see your helpers in God. When you have many helpers, see God in all your helpers. When you have nothing but God, see all in God. When you have everything, see God in everything. Under all conditions, stay thy heart only on the Lord.
-Charles Spurgeon

Faith NOT Fear! 

Today’s gym schedule: 5:15a.m./8:00a.m.

864 Strength + Conditioning WOD – The Grind /10 RFT:

5 Hip Extensions – 3 second pause
3 Strict One Arm KB Press (R)
3 Strict One Arm KB Press (L)

RX – Full ROM. RX HSPU = Arms fully extended/locked out.
RX KB Press Load – 24kg./16kg. 

PC Highlander Havoc – Friday April 3, 2020 from 11:00am. – 2:00p.m. / one day only. Come out to support the community and represent 864! Again….

864 Pump and Run / Pull and Run – May 2, 2020. Bench Press + Run / Deadlift + Run. Get signed up today.

March Challenge – Floor Press. Accumulate as many pounds as possible during the month of March. Score will be total pounds – Reps x Load. You select the load that will be used. All reps that are counted must be at 864 before or after daily workout. All reps must be Full ROM/ No partial ROM.

Check us out on Facebook and Instagram today.

On this day in history – March 18, 1834 – The first railroad tunnel in the U.S. was completed. The work was in Pennsylvania.

You are either IN or OUT – there is no in between. Train Hard. Train Smart.

Jay and Janice